2009年2月24日 星期二


3PL 3rd Party Logistics 第三方物流
4PL 4th Party Logistics 第四方物流
4SC 4-high Straddle Carrier 集裝箱高跨車吊具

ACI Advance Commercial Information System use in Canda 加拿大使用之系統
AMS Automated Manifest system System use in U.S. 亞運經濟合作組織
APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亞洲北美東向運輸協會
API Application Programming Interface 程式設定介面
ARENA Asia North America Eastbound Rate Aggreement 自動化存儲和修復系統操作
AWB Air Waybill 空運提單

B/B Break bulk 散件雜貨
B/L Bill of Lading 海運提單
B2B Business to Business 企業與企業之間的交易
B2C Business to customer 企業與客戶之間的交易
BAF Bunker Adjustment Factor 燃油附加費
BCO Beneficial Cargo Owner 貨物擁有者權益
BIMCO The Baltic and International Maritime council 波羅的海國際海運公會
BPO Business Process Outsourcing 介業外判程序

C&F cost and Freight 成本和運費
C.O.C. Carrier's Own Container 船東提供集裝箱
C.O.D. Cash On Delivery 交貨付現
C/O Certificate of Origin 產地來源證
CAF Currency adjustment Factor 幣值附加費
CBM Cubic Metre 立方米
CC Carbon Copy 抄送
CDMA Code Division Multiple Address 分發(部門)若干位址編碼
CEPA Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement 更緊密經貿關係的安排
CFM Cubic Feet per Minute 立方英尺
CFS Container Freight station 集裝箱貨物集散站
CGI Common Gateway Interface CGI介面
CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight 成本和運費兼付保險費
CILT The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport 英國特許物流運輸學會
CIM The Chartered Institute of Marketing 英國特許市務學會
CIP Carruage and Insurance Paid To 兼付指定運費及保險費
CLP Container Load Plan 集裝箱/裝載計劃表
COFC Container-on-flatcar 集裝箱運輸
CPT Carriage Paid To 兼付指定運費
CSC International Convention for Safe Container 對安全容器的國際規定
CSI Container Security Initative 集裝箱安全促進會
C-TPAT Customs Trade Partnership Adainst Terrorism 海關貿易伙伴反恐組織
CY Container Yard 集裝箱堆場

D.G. Dangerous goods 危險品貨物
D/A Document Adainst Acceptance 承兌交單
D/O Delivery Order 出貨單
D/P Document Against Payment 付款交單
D/R Dock Receipt 碼頭收貨單
DAF Delivery at Frontier 貨交邊境
DDC Destination Delivery Charge 目的地提貨費
DDP Delivered Duty Paid 完稅後交貨
DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid 未完稅交偵
DEQ Delivered ex-Quay 貨交指定港口倉庫
DES Delivered Ex-Ship 貨交指定港口船上
DPP Damage Protection Plan 集裝箱損壞保險
DRP Distribution Resources Planning 分發資源計劃


1 則留言:

chozzhan 提到...

It is very useful for us to kanow about this container information.

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