0-9 | ||
3PL | 3rd Party Logistics | 第三方物流 |
4PL | 4th Party Logistics | 第四方物流 |
4SC | 4-high Straddle Carrier | 集裝箱高跨車吊具 |
A | ||
ACI | Advance Commercial Information System use in Canda | 加拿大使用之系統 |
AMS | Automated Manifest system System use in U.S. | 亞運經濟合作組織 |
APEC | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | 亞洲北美東向運輸協會 |
API | Application Programming Interface | 程式設定介面 |
ARENA | Asia North America Eastbound Rate Aggreement | 自動化存儲和修復系統操作 |
AWB | Air Waybill | 空運提單 |
B | ||
B/B | Break bulk | 散件雜貨 |
B/L | Bill of Lading | 海運提單 |
B2B | Business to Business | 企業與企業之間的交易 |
B2C | Business to customer | 企業與客戶之間的交易 |
BAF | Bunker Adjustment Factor | 燃油附加費 |
BCO | Beneficial Cargo Owner | 貨物擁有者權益 |
BIMCO | The Baltic and International Maritime council | 波羅的海國際海運公會 |
BPO | Business Process Outsourcing | 介業外判程序 |
C | ||
C&F | cost and Freight | 成本和運費 |
C.O.C. | Carrier's Own Container | 船東提供集裝箱 |
C.O.D. | Cash On Delivery | 交貨付現 |
C/O | Certificate of Origin | 產地來源證 |
CAF | Currency adjustment Factor | 幣值附加費 |
CBM | Cubic Metre | 立方米 |
CC | Carbon Copy | 抄送 |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Address | 分發(部門)若干位址編碼 |
CEPA | Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement | 更緊密經貿關係的安排 |
CFM | Cubic Feet per Minute | 立方英尺 |
CFS | Container Freight station | 集裝箱貨物集散站 |
CGI | Common Gateway Interface | CGI介面 |
CIF | Cost, Insurance and Freight | 成本和運費兼付保險費 |
CILT | The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport | 英國特許物流運輸學會 |
CIM | The Chartered Institute of Marketing | 英國特許市務學會 |
CIP | Carruage and Insurance Paid To | 兼付指定運費及保險費 |
CLP | Container Load Plan | 集裝箱/裝載計劃表 |
COFC | Container-on-flatcar | 集裝箱運輸 |
CPT | Carriage Paid To | 兼付指定運費 |
CSC | International Convention for Safe Container | 對安全容器的國際規定 |
CSI | Container Security Initative | 集裝箱安全促進會 |
C-TPAT | Customs Trade Partnership Adainst Terrorism | 海關貿易伙伴反恐組織 |
CY | Container Yard | 集裝箱堆場 |
D | ||
D.G. | Dangerous goods | 危險品貨物 |
D/A | Document Adainst Acceptance | 承兌交單 |
D/O | Delivery Order | 出貨單 |
D/P | Document Against Payment | 付款交單 |
D/R | Dock Receipt | 碼頭收貨單 |
DAF | Delivery at Frontier | 貨交邊境 |
DDC | Destination Delivery Charge | 目的地提貨費 |
DDP | Delivered Duty Paid | 完稅後交貨 |
DDU | Delivered Duty Unpaid | 未完稅交偵 |
DEQ | Delivered ex-Quay | 貨交指定港口倉庫 |
DES | Delivered Ex-Ship | 貨交指定港口船上 |
DPP | Damage Protection Plan | 集裝箱損壞保險 |
DRP | Distribution Resources Planning | 分發資源計劃 |
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It is very useful for us to kanow about this container information.
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